Wade Hampton American, b. 1975
The Golden Gate, 2017
Oil on wood
20" x 24"
With some time between dance performances for a studio’s anniversary, it was great being able to spend the day in the hills of Marin Headlands, overlooking and painting the Golden Gate bridge. A seemingly, rare sunny, and somewhat warm day, it was meant to be to capture the bridge in paint! Constantly observing the Bay area, wondering what those escaped prisoners at Alcatraz thought, when they dipped their man-made boat construction into the waters, for a daring escape. Or wondering, does the wind ever stop blowing here. Or seeing how many residences on the northern tip of San Francisco are treated to an amazing view of the surrounding waters, crosstown cityscapes, and the open, awe-inspiring, eery endless entrance of the Pacific ocean. The Golden Gate was also documented on film.